I am often asked if someone needs to have experience with Reiki in order to take a Reiki Class. Perhaps you may be surprised that my answer is a resounding NO! No prior knowledge is required.
I personally had only a five-minute encounter with Reiki about two years before to seeing a flyer for a class at a yoga studio. I’d fallen in a karate class, twisting my ankle and the admittedly adorable teacher came over and asked if he could give me Reiki. I looked into his big brown eyes (and yes, I tell this story in front of my husband all the time,) and thought, “I don’t know what that is, but you can certainly give me some.” Out loud I simply said, “I guess so.” Five minutes later, he told me to put ice on my ankle when I got home but by tomorrow the fall should only be a memory…and he was right! Fast forward two years, to the flyer on the wall, add some curiosity and the next thing I knew I was learning about Universal Life Force and the healing power of Reiki! Reiki has a way of speaking to our souls and telling us the time is right to explore, and expand our knowledge of the energies around and within us. I always tell my students I am not there to “teach” them anything, I am there to remind them of what they have always known and have simply forgotten. I love watching as students have amazing “AH HA” moments as their hands awaken to the energy moving through them and they begin to sense where to hover or place their hands for the greatest effect. I adore hearing the comments they make as they work with their partners and find they’ve made a mind-body connection, sensing something their partner needs and intuitively assisting them. But perhaps the moments I treasure most are when I hand out the certificates at the end of a long day and see that everyone is beaming, basking in the glow of Reiki energy!
LorraineI have been teaching all my life, but have never had the complete satisfaction I get from awakening others to their inherent Healing Energy! Archives
April 2018